the stars


the earth in the name of higher civilization, continueCheap MBT Shoes to be content when the low of civilization, is not exempt from this


    But who said this will soon be skinned alive, almost as fools and crimes against humanity molecules typical joke, a

higher civilization, represents the reduction of technical barriers to high-level trade

Development, the increase in welfare in the short period of time sufficient to allow mankind to keep up floors, the

exhibition by leaps and bounds.
    A lower civilization, how to become a higher civilization is difficult, was also to have the hope of two thousand years,

and now ahead of hand, it is also seeking other idlers can not find the big thing, should cherish

, At all costs to protect it; to save years of GDP took this opportunity to push back, not a human sinner, what is?
    Some controversy down, eventually come to a unified view, decided to accept the singer's second option, spending huge

sums to the introduction of stellar systems defense system.
    A formal letter to the interim government to the embassy singer, and star in responding quickly negotiating team sent

just one day to finalize all the details, the whole project is divided into three, five

Days after the singer had a fleet to the solar system works, began the first phase of the project.
    Whole. Stellar systems specific defense system construction plan, and soon came to the Young Eagle of the table.
    This defense system includes a towel before covering the entire solar system, space detectors can detect the space

shuttle out of space cited volatility, with it, jump out of the spacecraft through space too

Solar system, it will not mysteriously out.
    There is two major planets Earth and Mars, with a population of half of humanity is the essence of humanity, and its

defense is the most important. This interference will be furnished space, which can be

To three million kilometers in radius within the block space jump.
    Coupled with planets have one thousand two hundred seven and one hundred and twenty eight of the orbital defense guns,

and the full range of physical weapons such as missile defense radio network to drink, and usually at the mine space Dulu

In the silent state, even if the spacecraft do not accidentally hit nothing, but once the surveillance to the invasion. Li

Xuan activation. Enough to keep the planet was impregnable.
    The first phase of the project completed the first part of the earth. Mars to remain part of the second phase of the

project to resolve.
    Finally, there are five fighting force, which is the highest-tech defense system, weapons, and only just made to be out

of higher civilization. This city of about the same size and space on the mobile fortress,

Equipped with a powerful fire and solid shield, each of which can be played one thousand Ku Sita main warships impressive,

but is not equipped fighting force on the light engine, it can not be

Space jump, is the only galaxy in order to use the defensive weapon.
    First, the five fighting force transport over the parts in batches, and then assembled in the solar system, the first

phase of the project period, will only assemble one?
    These are just a galaxy in the most important part of the defense system, and some other bits and pieces of things, not

to mention in this skip.
    Department of Defense into the decision of the star spread, in the civil cited a great stir. After all, this defense

system is a high price, finally the war ended half a century, but also to spend so much

A sum of money into armaments, this. Legion is more than half a century to fight the ancient military total cost, but also

more on the times!
    In this case, if people can equanimity and smile to the past, then it
    However, people in the end how to protest against the interim government to appease, no matter the relevant Yang Ying

Yang Ying understand that no matter how people downtown again, even if the overthrow of the government and back to session,

can not change this

A fait accompli.
    This thing is over, the Young Eagles once again eyeing the solar system, the Protoss have been Al planet, but the Zerg in

the real universe, is still no place, and people have family

The planet has one of their own, to get a better show.
    While watching the eagle Yang worked in his five hundred years ago the Earth's sake, do not want to grab the solar system

and earth, but live outside our solar system's planet, looking for, but not what psychological burden.

After all, mankind has limitations in the solar system, around the whole site is no owner, who will be considered who should

    Young Eagle Star in the selected thirty stars closest to the Earth system, to send thirty battle cruiser, go over the

terrain reconnaissance.
    Staff Captain adventure based on three adventures experience, a result is expected to make that trip at least carve out

five or six stars to mineral.
    Mineral Star Star living far below the MBT Shoes UKrequirement, in theory, be able to mine any stellar system, the problem is the

cost of mining Bale, after all, the same two uninhabitable planet, a large

Gas is better than no atmosphere, with an average of minus one to minus two Baidu Baidu's better than average. Some of the

planet's environment is too extreme, greatly increased the cost of mining the planet, they will not fit to be a mineral

    Was sent to the soon to Proxima Centauri as the goal of that ship battle cruiser to return to the reconnaissance report,

next to the star fly light years from our solar system 4, only less than half an hour walk.
    "It seems that next star, and there is not a planet can qualify mineral star standards, the environment are too extreme."

Yang Ying saw that warships of the report, said, laughingly, "I remember the movie" Avatar

"The story to students in a neighboring galaxy 名叫潘多拉 planet, had also wonder, if it let me now the planet Pandora, how

to handle. But in fact want to go deep, but

Is not possible, if there is the Pandora, the singer who is a long overdue. "
    After that battle cruiser to 6 continued the reconnaissance reports back, in which the third and seventh report has

brought good news in the stars they are responsible for detecting lines, each one suitable for open

Mining the planet, not to transform the environment of the planet, only made an offer protection to the miners, mine, you can

immediately mine.
    As for the miners, no more appropriate than the plane, and moved to a space truck, with a variety of convenient arm, a

unique style in the mining areas, and space engineering vehicles also protect the internal

Personnel from external environmental damage, even in a vacuum, but also to operate perfectly.
    However, to the thirteenth, but encountered an unexpected thing.
    "Sir, the Department sent to war star XIII patrol in trouble." Cagliari get the message, the first time reported to the

Young Eagle.
    "What trouble?" Yang Ying a thirteen this figure. There is a feeling that the trouble Bacheng not small!
    Thirty. Department of stars from near and far are numbered, it corresponds to the thirteenth report of stellar systems

    "XIII is a star system in the star's outpost Ku Sita, they asked detain war patrols, combat patrols, but still escaped

back, but by a few attacks by the lightweight hull

Injury, they report back to space. "Scalia said after the matter again.
    "Ku Sita outpost Star's how the scale?" Yang Ying asked.
    "That base seems not to complete the construction, the construction is not clear how much people expect Ku Sita star

scale. However, according to the report of that patrol boat war, the base half of the building where there is still not built

Made complete?
    "Scalia paused, then said," base now stationed about a hundred warships. "
    "In addition to the solar system around here, there is no other intelligent civilizations in the open areas near the base

of the solar system, stationed warships, apparently some ill will."
    Ying Yang thought, said: "Take this message to inform the President, as well as singer embassies, the interim government

to negotiate the time and singers, there was one, being written into the agreement, said the event

Department of Defense in the star before construction is completed to receive the attack, the singer who will help us

defense, take a look at their reaction to say 2 "
    "Yes, sir."
    Cagliari according to Yang Ying said, the news out, quick, excellent Kinsey Na Le and have a good response. Le Xuan

Kinsey established to rectify Needham New Earth Army, soldiers sick leave, to enter the secondary alert

State? The best advantages over direct Na, and Yang Ying few words, said she had informed the singer, the three days there

will be a support fleet to come.
Chapter five hundred and fourteenth body of mercenary Orion Arm Association
    "Ku Sita star ring is really direct people to do things, just back to the tip of visiting groups. Jing lazy to fire up.

Then go back Runge is voluntary, and his time on earth, the Foreign Ministry did not turn away him."
    Ying Yang said on the front of Cagliari, if not the mineral survey sent four stars, I am afraid that no one concerned

about the outposts in the case, opened it in secret.
    "Now they just opened an outpost, the specific attack on the solar system will not necessarily, by virtue might just want

to spy on every move of the solar system. If people want to sing Ku Sita

Attack, I am afraid that their ship has come upon us, why build an outpost? Complications! "Scalia said.
    "You're right, but whether to go or pry attack, the base is very dangerous, with this base, the Ku Sita Star A man who

would like hands-on, day and night to instantly."
    Ying Yang came to the window looked at the sky and the stars forever eternal silence distributed on the screen in the

dark, as though all the indifference of Yu Lei Zhongsheng, and in the past, present and future will
    Each looked at the stars, no matter what youMBT Shoes Clearance  may think, Yang Ying able to calm down immediately, he would think, in this

his inner thoughts, put under the stars in the boundless expanse, is negligible

Par theedge le vendredi 11 mars 2011


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