uncle was

Rain is still the next stop along the way, alongMBT Shoes Sale with the rain, the wind blowing the sound of whistling, yellow leaves to

withstand the weight of rain water, drop a piece of "pop" "pop" on the beat to the carriage and off The knocking sound,

knocking popular panic.
    I quietly checked the horse show the spread of the burden they bring. There are a thousand people participate in other

valuable herbs, which I previously prepared. There is also a burden to one of my fox cloak, and a wind sea of ??washed

    Know that the city is to visit dying patients, so show Man and Yi Hui also feel the tension along the way not making a

sound, completely out of those daily frolic thing.
    Until the carriage into town, traveling to the distance from the city of Mexico the main house, the river, over the ink

River Bridge, turn into the Lane and then go west a Zhancha time in a luxurious mansion facade and stopped .
   Get off the stool under the driver to move. Man both show up and get off with Yi Hui, a cover for me that there were

numerous umbrella, still autumn next stop; a carefully helped me set foot on the front bench to get off the light to go off.
    Red front door to door. Big red lanterns lanterns, door plaque with cursive words "west wind House," the four characters,

fonts, freehand light, hide endless romantic chic, as in this room to host the same. Impressionistic and romantic.
    If not I certainly know that the masters of this house at stake, Zhibu Ding Road, also in this House to do what happy

event, so more and more feel that some of the glaring red is red.
    Follow the servant came up to meet the gatekeepers into the House, the purpose of plants and trees are all Santo into the

government, the wind, no front yard look lived in, and the roads are all servant girl with a look of panic, to see the people

dressed in luxury to to worship, as in the end no matter what this man can see what the wind has no front is spread dying

    Across the front yard to the backyard. Before the room full of people around, uncle's wife had no trace of wind wind Qi's

are with uncle-year-old son standing front Delicate paper, followed by a lot of servants in homes, others are great uncle and

the wind's personal bodyguard, who knows no boundaries, About a dozen people there whispering. Dizziness. Who says men do not

    Mo re-map and see off the two heli glass light stand in the corner alone, even if the rain drenching the body does not

move a muscle. Has reached the point where superb professionalism, respect but at the same can not, after all, is the women

of the next corridor, the personal bodyguard natural to avoid arousing suspicion, but not too far away from their masters to

the only place that is the yard.
    Only this yard steward for these people even do not know what to find some shelter from the rain, it has enough of

dereliction of duty.
    They alerted to me, immediately leaned over with the crowd salute followed. Waving to everyone free gift, the refreshing

wind Qi's sister came up to the blessing ceremony, and carefully asked: "how wife did not go in? We can see now how the

    Qi is also the business of the wind's origin, although not too much contact, but also know that if there is no way

related to money matters, for others it is the easy-going, but if things off and the money issue, there will be nervous,

anyway, is did not do something in return.
    The wind with little Qing Wen Qi's Dunshen salute, the clear text in a small channel into my tender voice: "Qing Wen to

the Sishen asked the", the wind's just embarrassing grief Qi said: "hey, how is it so ah! wait a little bit of the afternoon

the situation did not know, I saw the doctor and out of place, but also heard them say a few words on. had just father and

Qing Wen, Qing Liu his father, as well as four brothers have gone in, I see the house squeeze feel uncomfortable, just

breathe out with a clear text. four brothers and sisters if you want to go, and this go, my paper on the outside with a clear

station and then go. "
    Qi dodge the wind's eye, lack of tone is in the air, guess she should be afraid of the patient will have symptoms of

illness than the children, will endure the cold, etc., right outside the house.
    Not point out, the wind turned to see Erbo's wife is not in Ye's personal girl in the crowd to ask is not notified, if

the arrangements that need to rush to notify to do.
    Wind Qi's frowned and said: "informed a long time ago, and that the Qing Liu sick, tied up, so I can not come." Will

solve any text to the wet nurse before came over a small channel: "also James was not afraid of the bad luck would not over.

Deficit third brother, normally a couple more to take care of them, to whatever the outcome this time people came to see it.

Well, a few days ago I took a fancy shop where a third brother, jade said let third brother gave me, I did not realize third

brother, Aoyagi hands to give a gift to do, really Clothes make the man, is dedicated to them, so, she was also unwilling to

see a shirk. really not good good newspaper, like the four brothers and four younger brothers and sisters who have come such

a wedding, and on what basis she would not come ... ... "
    What random from the eight bad reasoning, is not her money and ran into the bottom line, she was attracted to this basket

of nonsense.
    Impatient Ting Feng Qi's on so winded down, the daughter knew that Er Bo Liu Delicate body is not good we all know, this

child as no front body to play a small wind is bad, perhaps this way, the same front body for weak wind, no reason the same

boat, always loved this little niece in particular, what delicious fun for her, a general thought, the wind, no relationship

between the front and back Erbo uncle than with the wind, no even better marks on the sort of relationship, of which the

credit is not afraid of the wind Qi's also MBT Shoes Clearancea disservice in the middle of the credit.
    Worry about the following people listen to these words, the future casually outside exposed, and had to verbally obstruct

the way: "These are our part, how can there be anything to shirk, and Yisow if it is not really that it would not come. "
    A cold wind blows, I shuddered involuntarily, his hand pulling cloak, reminded also something more to say sister said:

"This wind, sister ... ... or does it look good care of the text is clear." Genuinely concerned for a The wind, no front

crash, scared child, on the proposed wind Qing Wen Qi's will be sent to the other yard, it wants to wet nurse cares.
    I naturally was a stroke Qi's words play into the hands, where her inner strength to suppress the joy of Delicate text:

"The clear text, do not Thank you for Sishen! See her wet nurse to love you ... ... you quickly to the Master Sun Rooms to

go. "
    After the child away, the wind Qi's only reluctantly prepared to follow me into the room, but the hesitation in her eyes

or obvious people hate.
    Had no choice but to prepare a person to enter, the door just opened yet proudly, hears a cry coming from inside the

house, one with a piercing female voice cried out: "husband ... ...", it streaks across the sky as if crying sword-like,

people heard the sad cried.
    Are all illegal channels late? Immediately froze in the spot could not move.
    Entangled, not willing to hang the pot handsome! Pink tickets cry and ... ... ah! Where are you?
Chapter V of the end users to upload with branches thirty days Kelian Jian Zhang
    Also coming along on the previous wind refused to Qi's door, tension grabbed my sleeve, shaking the sake of some comfort

to learn from me, because she like me and think that's all Is wind, no front It's that go?
    One kind of helplessness took my body, past lives, loved ones sent to me, although uncomfortable but that is a relief

after a long illness, this time I face to send to others, is a send word, as my relationship is not close have been feeling

so worried that the closest relatives have to bear much of the pain.
    With the cries of the Phoenix, after a sharply rebuked: "You were Sangmen star crying? Your man does not die! I wish my

son dead, you give him buried with it!"
    If I normally would distort the meaning of the Phoenix, but now I feel in good faith, she is so frantic to say the words

will come, but she now exposes the heart of the hegemony is no doubt Bale.
    But her words made me realize that no wind, no front walk. Quickly ran inside and Qi's because the wind behind my sleeve

and hold to pull the door to be crooked.
    Wind, no front covered with a thick bed of Jinbei, lying there motionless, his face white as a sheet.
    Golden Phoenix is ??the look of his death bed the flapping arms in the Great uncle, the wind from time to time to see the

bed where no front needles applied two doctors, two behind, the pear is crying wind, no rain in the front's wife leaves the

beginning of words, I saw the wind Yip hands together something non-stop prayer, one a white red face supple hand mark.

Endless concern is the wind knows no boundaries of several brothers and stand by the rules, do not know what to do.
    I look up and see the wind knows no boundaries to tap into the nod, the two exchanged a quick look with confidence to

each other after. Go to bed before the wind turned around and shouted no front.
    The doctor looked at the appearance of frown concentrate, feeling very uncomfortable stuffy chest, noticed already fairly

spacious room, to keep warm, do not open all the windows are closed, has been burning incense to curl up and smell the air a

bit muddy, middle of the room stood also a shrine, a shrine of gold within the statues crafted Longevity, a look that is

praying for the wind, no use of the front.
    I worried about is that the original room to float Smell add smoked flavor. Coupled with burning incense before the

shrine, but also create a lot of dust constantly, there are so many assorted lot of people, the air has reached the level of

stale, it is no wonder I'm breathing difficulties.
    This room and the twenty-first century room with fresh air in comparison, is simply bad days to do, even normal people

have the feeling of chest tightness, let alone have respiratory diseases in the wind, no front, no crisis of strange.
    Quickly stepped forward to whisper with the wind knows no boundaries Speaking of which, the wind is long heard of a move.

Take a deep breath after a few took note of these, great uncle walked proudly behind the words I had just said great uncle

repeated again and again, in exchange for the Phoenix and wind Yip malicious eyes.
    I mean that in general the wind knows no boundaries. Recommended for all to be great uncle left the room in the house

with incense altar removed, and then open the window to the room air circulation up, so that even if not very helpful, but at

least no front of the wind should be beneficial to the body.
    Great uncle heard that right. Being asked to let everyone out, letting a few servants to removed the shrine, great uncle

had been prostrate in the arms of the Phoenix with Yip hear the wind behind, both threw himself before the shrine would not

let anyone, will be approached to help the girl in a slap in the face after the fan down to the ground.
    Golden Phoenix shouted hysterically: "You are the heart of what security? This is the money I spent twelve thousand to

the largest Buddhist temple to seek, it can protect front of my children live long lives, you actually move to take it ? that

children who blessed my front? husband, why are you so heartless ... ah ... just listen to those people to agitate, do not

they are your son a wife. Feng children they was not? really even own your own sons do not it? on the ... ... "
    First, the wind is long fingers and I said, pointing to big uncle was finished, like a suddenly remembered what the

Phoenix bitterly to the big uncle said: "Yes, you want? Hands if it is to Jianqie those money, Jianqie willing to give you.

all give you. As long as you do not want people MBT Shoes to take the shrine, okay? "
    A few words of the great uncle look uncertain. T

Par theedge le mardi 15 mars 2011


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